Victims becoming VICTORS
The Full Story
Studies show that between 22 and 57 percent of homelessness among women is caused by domestic violence. More than 90 percent of homeless women experience severe physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives, and 63 percent have been victims of intimate partner violence.
Emergency shelters are often the first step for survivors fleeing abuse, which means that shelters and local programs must have the resources they need to keep space available for victims in need. When shelters are full, survivors are often faced with an impossible decision between returning to an abuser or risking homelessness.
Transitional housing, sometimes called second stage housing, is a residency program that provides referrals to support services. Usually provided after crisis or homeless shelter, transitional housing is designed as a bridge to self-sufficiency and permanent housing. Residents usually remain from six months to two years and are typically required to establish goals to work towards economic stability.
Transitional housing programs, like those offered by Sanctuary First Foundation, help survivors rebuild their lives after fleeing abusive situations. Without a safe, secure home from which to operate - survivors cannot achieve stability. Economic independence is essential for long-term stability. Participating in local income or skill building programs assists survivors in achieving economic independence from the perpetrator. Our program provides interim housing while assisting survivors in building/rebuilding their credit history, as well as other skills necessary to attain and maintain permanent housing.